School’s in Session! 5 Painting Facts You Never Knew!

As we enter the month of September, a lot of people might be sending their kids off to school. After months of being cooped up in the house, we are sure it will be a nice change of pace to see them hitting the books.

In honor of this month of education, we thought we would take the opportunity to test your painting knowledge. Check out the following facts to discover things you never knew about painting:

The Evolution of Paint 

Painting has been around for as long as cavemen have been stamping antelopes on walls. But, painting in the past was not as easy as it is today. Back in the day, people had to mix their own paint together. The ingredients could be anything from a mixture of linseed oil, olive oil, and pigment, to ingredients like milk, eggs, and lime, until companies developed pre-mixed paint. Eventually, people discovered that they could make better, more durable paint by including a substance known as resin.

The Most Expensive Colors 

What would you say is the most expensive paint color in the world? Hint: it’s made from a precious stone, and was once so expensive it cost more than gold! If you guessed lapis lazuli — a bright blue hue — you’d be right! For a long time, purple was an expensive color, because the pigment could only be made from a specific mollusk’s shell. For this reason, only the rich and royal could afford to buy this color. 

Color Therapy

Did you know that the color of your walls can actually affect your mood? It’s true! Blues or purples can have a calming effect, whereas reds and oranges may make you feel more energized. If you want to know more, see our blog post on this subject here.

That’s a lot of Paint 

Can you guess how much paint the U.S. uses each year? If you guessed anywhere in the ballpark of one billion you’d be pretty close. The correct answer is 1.57 billion gallons!

A Variety of Choices

The color with the largest variety of purchasable shades is green. This may be because the rods in the human eye can detect the color green better than any other color in the color spectrum.

At Ameri-Pro Painting, we pride ourselves on our painting knowledge and expertise. If you are interested in our services, or would like to learn more about how we can help you on painting jobs — contact us at (716) 316-4759 or fill out the form below.


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