Get the Right Paint Every Time! Professional Guide to Paint Finishes
When you’re thinking about repainting your interior walls, you’re probably most concerned with deciding what color to paint them. We know how it is -- you go to the nearest paint store and bring home swatch after swatch of different shades of beige. But there is one other major decision you have to make when deciding to paint your home — picking a paint finish.
Painting Makeover at its Finest! Three Steps to Achieving a Dramatic Brick Fireplace
As we are entrenched in the coldest months of the year, we’re sure you’ve turned up your furnace a time or two. Brick Fireplaces are especially amazing because not only do they provide warmth for the entire house, they also act as a dramatic centerpiece for whatever room they’re in. But as you and your family gather ‘round the fire you may notice — after years of wear and tear -- that your fireplace isn’t in as good shape as it used to be.
Post-Painting Clean Up Made Simple!
No matter what paint job you’re working on - big or small - you know you have a lot of work cut out for yourself. Paint jobs can last anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks, and we're sure after finishing the job that cleaning up is the last thing on your mind.
So we’ve made an easy list of steps to help you follow through with your clean-up as efficiently and quickly as possible.
A Room that Pops! Keys to Creating the Perfect Accent Wall
There’s no faster way to liven up a room than by creating an accent wall. You’ve probably seen accent walls featured in various home decor magazines. Their amazing color choices coupled with their exquisite furniture and chic lighting fixtures look like something out of… well, a magazine! But what if we told you that you too could achieve a perfect accent wall in just a few steps?
Keep Safe While You Paint! Here are 5 Painting Hazards to Watch Out For
Deciding to paint your house - whether you’re painting your interior or exterior - is no small undertaking. In addition to all the supplies you’re going to have to buy, you also must be sure to take the proper precautions to avoid any painting hazards.
Ceiling Painting Game Plan -- How to Renew your Ceiling in Less than 4 Steps
Have you noticed that your ceiling isn’t looking as sleek as it used to? If you look closely, do you see cracks forming in the paint and at the corners? Unfortunately, the ceiling will inevitably need to be repainted.
School’s in Session! 5 Painting Facts You Never Knew!
As we enter the month of September, a lot of people might be sending their kids off to school. After months of being cooped up in the house, we are sure it will be a nice change of pace to see them hitting the books.
In honor of this month of education, we thought we would take the opportunity to test your painting knowledge. Check out the following facts to discover things you never knew about painting:
Store and Score! 3 Ways to Expand Your Wall Paint’s Shelf Life
Have you ever wondered how to make your leftover cans of paint last longer? Maybe you want to retouch a room and you don’t want to buy a brand new paint can to get the job done every time.
Luckily, paint can be stored for years! You just have to do it the right way to ensure that it stays intact. Check out our advice to expand your wall paint’s shelf life below.
Color Us Impressed -- Here’s How Color Psychology Revolutionizes Your Interiors
We’re sure to some degree everyone’s heard about color psychology. You’ve probably heard blue is a calming color, while red is more energetic. But before you get out the paintbrushes and pop open the paint cans of “ocean breeze” and “red salmon” allow us to let you in on a little secret.
What to Do When You Spill Paint
Have you ever been doing a painting project and in the blink of an eye managed to spill your paint? It can cause some major panic and distress but don’t worry! With the right knowledge and tools, virtually any paint mishap can be remedied — if you know how to do the proper clean-up.